Monthly Archives: January 2012

What to Expect in an MBA Assignment

Soon after entering a school for achieving a Masters in Business Administration, you may find yourself embroiled in numerous paper works as well oral assessments. Considering that you are pursuing a master’s degree, it would only be reasonable that the amount and the level difficulty of assignments are much harder than you have encountered in college. MBA assignments are more meaning, as they are given with the purpose of training a student to become a true manager when he enters the business world.

MBA assignments are usually analysis and examinations of the different setups in the business world. Conducting a case study is one of the most common types of MBA assignments. A case study offers an intensive analysis of a certain business events or decisions that have changed the way things are done. You may be assigned to conduct a marketing case study on how Ford was able to sell it vehicles by differentiating the products or how Nike achieved much success with its ‘Just Do It’ slogan and Michael Jordan. You may also be assigned to write a production case study on how the March 2011 triple disasters in Japan affected the supply of Honda components around the world, causing a slump on the Japanese carmaker’s global sales.

An MBA assignment is daunting task if you do not have the right tools to write one. You could ask for pointers and tips from professors or from MBA degree holders. You could also obtain a copy of previous MBA papers and study and analyze them. You could also use your access to industry information for possible researches.

The level of assignment difficulty rises as one proceeds from college to master’s. The tools and processes, however, remain the same. You just needs to use them properly at the right time.

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What a Good Personal Statement Sample Contains

A successful personal statement is not just about writing events about your life, written in correct grammar and spelling. Rather, it is also characterized by the things that you write about and how you send the message across to your reader. A student who does not have experience in writing a personal statement will be more likely to succeed if he or she follows the guide set by a well-written personal statement sample.

A personal statement sample that helped an applicant get accepted into his or her preferred university degree program inspired other students. It gives them into the perspective that writing an excellent personal statement is actually doable with enough effort and determination to succeed. A personal statement sample should translate into an actual new personal statement written by another student with less experience. The resulting personal statement should inspire and lift the spirits of its readers. Here are some tips on how to achieve this:

  • Write an introduction that is sure to catch the attention of the admissions officer or tutor. Remember that these are busy people who have no more than a few minutes to quickly review and size up a personal statement. Since the first thing they will read is the introduction, you have to make sure that the introduction is already engaging so that the reader is encouraged to continue on to the succeeding portions.
  • Make sure you write using the correct grammar. This ensures that the message you have created is communicated successfully to the reader. If you are not yet familiar with the rules of grammar, consult with another person who has more knowledge regarding this matter.
  • Edit your written personal statement to ensure that no errors make it to the final document you will submit. Reading the document aloud helps you spot errors in grammar and usage. Have another person look over it as they might see something that you failed to spot.

Related Topic:  Personal Statement Sample as an Informative Guide

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Military Becoming a Target for Essay Writers

A typical civilian seldom gets involved with the affairs of the military. However, there are times that certain military operations or units receive disapproval from the public. Some may become vocal about it and take their protest onto the streets. Some, meanwhile, decided to remain scholarly in their approach, writing military essays critical of certain armed force operations or units.

The military is a unit of the executive branch of the government that refers to its armed forces. Because of its violent nature, it tends to act in a way that is destructive to its targets. Through proper restrain and regulation, the military is now used to serve peaceful purposes. It is because of that purposes, the military elicits positive and negative comments. It has become a topic for historical as well as cultural essays. Specifically, military essays are one of the staple compositions in the current war-torn world.

One may become so enthralled with the exploits of the Royal Air Force in World War II that he indulged into the topic of how the British aerial combaters were able to gain victory over the numerically superior Luftwaffe. This is a positive military essay. One may become very irritated on how one military unit frantically used a small town just to achieve its tactical goal, that he published an essay condemning the brutal action. This is a crucial military essay.

However, not all military essays are based on history. It could be based on the current military setup of a country. One may include an analysis of the strength and weaknesses of certain country’s navy unit, and provide recommendations based on the nation’s financial capability.

A person writing a military essay must make sure he researched the right information. Theories will remain as theories if not supported by hard facts.

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Things to Avoid When Writing a Personal Statement

The importance of writing a personal statement cannot be overestimated. It is an important part of the university application process because it helps the individual present his or her arguments as to why he or she should be offered a place in a degree program to the university admissions committee. In some cases, university tutors and admission officers base their decision on which student will proceed to the interview stage. For universities and degree programs which do not require an interview, the personal statement may be used as the “tie-breaker” for students that have the same academic background or profile.

It is therefore important to choose one’s words and phrases carefully when writing a personal statement in order for the student to present a good impression of himself or herself. Below are some of these words, word forms or group of words which are best avoided when writing a personal statement:

  • Slang or colloquial abbreviations. Slang and colloquialisms are best used for informal communication between friends for example. Note that you are communicating with school authorities through a written medium, therefore you need to use formal language. An example of this is using the word “yo” to indicate your greeting, or to use “cos” as a substitute for “because”. Use full English throughout your personal statement.
  • Swear words. Any student who wishes to present a good impression on anyone will never, ever use swear words even if you have a valid point to make.
  • Avoid overusing common words used to make an argument or to describe something such as “also” and “in addition to”. This makes your personal statement writing look like a list instead of a writing piece which has a clear and fluid structure.

Using words which convey action or interest such as “challenging” or “fascinating” when writing a personal statement is fine, but make sure to give an adequate explanation for the situation or idea that contextualizes it.

Related Topic:  Three Attributes of a Personal Statement


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Tips for Writing a Personal Statement in Archaeology

Refer to the following tips for writing a personal statement in archaeology:

  • You will need to do a lot of self-reflection in order to determine what your “selling points” are—what makes you a unique individual, why you think you will last through the studying archaeology at university, what made you interested to study archaeology, what you have achieved so far and what your goals in life are. Your aim in writing a personal statement is to stand out from the rest of the students who are applying for the same degree program. This way, even if you are up against students who have a similar profile and academic background as you have, you will have a greater likelihood of being offered a place if your personal statement is written well.
  • Determine the topics that you will cover. Some universities already give suggestions on the application details as to which topics you will talk about or questions you will answer when writing a personal statement, while others give you the freedom to choose your own. If the latter is the case, you will have a lot more options in which direction to take your personal statement writing. To make sure that your ideas are well organized and are structured coherently, consult a professor or a professional personal statement writer for ideas.
  • Be mindful of the university’s requirements in terms of the format and length of the personal statement and make sure that you follow them to the letter. You will find information regarding admission requirements on the admissions page or on the Archaeology department website. Do not exceed the prescribed word count, write only using the prescribed document format, and observe proper spacing.
  • Use a writing style that allows for clarity of ideas and for interesting reading as well. These include transition statements, usage of anecdotes or stories to illustrate your point.

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Sociology Essay Using Sociological Perspective

Sociology essay writing can be done using the sociological perspective which is comprised of the sociological theory and questioning assumptions in studying the social world.

Use the Sociological Perspective – The sociology essay is best written using the sociological perspective. This perspective means using sociological theories to understand and explain the social world, questioning assumptions and viewing your social world as the object of systematic scientific study and using sociological concepts and terminology. To be able to have a sociological perspective, you should step outside the social world and look at it as though you have never laid eyes on it before and using scientific study methods. In doing this, you use sociological theory so that you can understand social phenomena. Question the ideas and assumptions which you have preconceived. Then, you apply sociological concepts to familiar phenomona.

The Sociological Theory – So that you can have a sociological perspective in your sociology essay , you look at the social world using major sociological theories. In general, there are three main strands in sociological theory and they are Functionalism, Marxism and Critical Theory and Symbolic Interaction. These have subgroups and combinations. As a student sociologist, you examine social interactions and institutions in the aspect of social power and politics. This is in the sense of who has power over others, who controls what and who does not have it. You also examine how the social factors determine or shape at any rate the group or an individual’s behaviours. Using a sociological perspective enables you to look at the impact of social factors like age, gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, culture, nationality, geographical location, occupational group, education and many others. Religion can also be examined using the sociological theory and, thus, the religion essay can also be written using the perspective.

Questioning Assumptions – As mentioned, using the sociological perspective involves using the sociological theory and questioning assumptions. Questioning assumptions means breaking the set of assumptions we as general public have about the social world we are in. To do this, you should step outside your ideological perceptions and view the ordinary and everyday things as though they are not familiar to you and make them the subject of your objective study. Most students often find it difficult to do this because of the reality that the object is in fact familiar. They may think it is simpler that it truly is. In lots of ways, it is so much easier for an anthropologist to observe objectively a culture because the culture is new or foreign to them. Thus, they really and easily step outside. This is the main problem for students – the ability to reflect on what is familiar.

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Making an Impression: How to Write Personal Statement

A student who will write personal statement will need to convince the university admissions committee that he or she has the skills and attitude necessary to survive the rigors of university life and contribute to the goals of the university and of society as a whole upon completion of the degree programme he or she is studying. When a student aims to write personal statement, he or she has tools at his or her disposal in order to create a favorable impression on the university admissions officer who will review each student’s personal statement. These are:

  • Jargon. Jargon refers to the specialized language that applies to a given discipline. Some students have a predisposition towards using jargon when they write personal statements because they feel that it makes them appear knowledgeable of the subject. This may not necessarily be the case when jargon is overused or misused in a way that shows that the writer is trying awfully hard to impress the reader. If one must use jargon in a personal statement, it should be used economically and effectively, just enough to demonstrate that the student is knowledgeable about the vocabulary and language of a field of study.
  • Use of narrative and anecdotes. Instead of stating your point plainly, you can spice up your personal statement by using a situation or event to illustrate your point. For example, to illustrate your interest in studying medicine, you might describe an medical emergency involving yourself or a loved one that made you want to decide that healing people is your calling. These stories can be written in such a way that the reader is with the writer at the exact moment that it happens, while some writers invite the reader into their minds and lets them know what they are thinking and feeling at the time the story happens.

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Planning Your Psychology Essays and Carrying the Plan Out

Psychology essays can be better written with the right planning, research and writing. To be able to submit excellent essays about psychology, you need to plan the component tasks of your essay writing, research well and write your essays with error-free English.

  • Planning – For your psychology essaysto be well written, you should go about your essay writing process with a plan to guide you. It is also important to note that you need to plan right away and do not dwell too much on this phase. In other words, planning should not take up much time because you need to allocate more time for researching and writing. Plot your researching and writing schedule in the shortest time possible so that you can proceed to research and writing right away. Set very high expectations for yourself as far as your plan is concerned so that if you disappoint yourself, you will still be good enough.

  • Researching – Researching could involved two kinds which are researching for topic selection and researching for the selected topic. Because there are assignments for psychology essays in which you need to choose your own topic, you must researching for it to be able to arrive a topic which involves knowledge that you are good at, has many available references and resources and which you are interested in. While researching, jot down notes and develop an initial reference list or bibliography. The reason for doing this is so that you will have an easier time in assembling your final version of the list.

  • Writing – This third phase involves drafting your essay, reviewing it and have it proofread. In turn, the last step in writing is finalising your copy for submission. You need to have your essay draft reviewed and proofread by you and by others. The goal of the writing phase should be a perfect or error-free writing. Your essays in psychology should be submitted to your professor without any trace error. You might think this goal is impossible. It is possible and aiming for it means that if you miss your very high target you will still hit high.

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Tips in Writing a Personal Statement Successfully: Priming Yourself as the “Perfect Candidate”

Writing a personal statement that will successfully pass the standards set by universities has many aspects:

  • portraying yourself as a student who will be the perfect candidate for a degree programme and can adapt well to the goals and orientation of a particular university
  • planning which aspects of your life should be mentioned in the personal statement
  • formulating the structure of the essay and finalising which information should be mentioned, in which section and how it will be done
  • editing and proofreading to ensure the quality of the personal statement Continue reading

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